Government of Spain, Catalonia, Barcelona and UNICEF and ITU working to establish Giga Technology Centre in Barcelona
The Government of Spain, the Catalonia Regional Government, and the City of Barcelona in collaboration with UNICEF and ITU are meeting this week to further develop plans for the establishment a Giga Technology Centre in Barcelona.

Botswana makes strides in bridging the digital divide
Orateng Mothowamadi is a 15-year-old student at Tshwaragano Junior Secondary School in Maun and among 370,000 students who have benefitted from a connect the school initiative driven by the Government of Botswana in collaboration with UNICEF and Giga.

Request for Proposals: Giga Connectivity Cost Tool
Giga seeks a robust and flexible tool that produces cost estimates for global school connectivity projects.

How schools in Uzbekistan can serve as connectivity hubs for surrounding communities
Giga and the Government of Uzbekistan are looking for local Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to implement an innovative, sustainable and scalable model in which schools act as ‘connectivity hubs’ and redistribute internet access to local communities within a 5-kilometer radius.

International Day of Girls in ICTs: Access and Safety
Today we are celebrating the International Day of Girls in ICTs, an annual event to help girls access the digital tools they need to thrive in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) careers. This year’s theme of ‘Access and Safety’ is closely linked to Giga’s mission to give every child the chance to access the Internet and digital environment in a safe way.

Connecting 24 Public Schools in Honduras
In coordination with UNICEF Honduras and the Ministry of Education, Giga has launched a pilot project to connect 24 public schools in 7 departments of Honduras to the Internet. Telecommunications company América Móvil (Claro) will provide the Internet connectivity for an initial two-year period.

Giga Annual Report: 1 million students connected to the Internet
Giga has now helped over 1 million learners get life-changing access to the Internet. Working with 14 corporate and non-profit partners, the initiative has connected over 3,200 schools since its launch in 2019.

Connecting 117 schools in Sierra Leone
In collaboration with the Government of Sierra Leone, Giga has launched a second Request for Proposals (RFP) to select suppliers to enter a Long-Term Agreement (LTA) for the provision of internet connectivity services to public schools to increase access to digital learning.

How NFTs can give more children the chance to learn online
Giga’s 1,000 Patchwork Kingdoms shine a spotlight on digital inequality around the world. They have so far raised over US$700,000 to help get schools online.

Mapping schools in Sudan using artificial intelligence
Thanks to a challenge run by Omdena, we now have a model that can identify schools in Sudan from satellite imagery with 95% accuracy.

A Perilous Plight: Connecting an isolated village in Southern Kyrgyzstan to the Internet
Zardaly, an isolated village up in the mountains in Southern Kyrgyzstan, is home to about 150 people who live without electricity and communication. A mountain trail is the only direct route to Zardaly and donkeys are the most reliable form of transport.

No school left behind: Connecting marginalised schools in the West Bank
In collaboration with the Palestine Authority, Giga has launched a Request for Proposals (RFP) to select suppliers to connect the remaining unconnected schools in the West Bank.