
Request for proposals: Connecting 1,000 schools and 300 health centers in Niger

Under the Smart Villages for Rural Growth and Digital Inclusion Project (PVI), the Government of Niger has launched a landmark Request for Proposals (RFP) to connect 1,000 schools and 300 health centers to high-speed, sustainable, and affordable internet, and is looking for eligible and qualified bidders to join them in this transformative journey.

Since 2020, Giga has been committed to helping Niger bridge the digital divide. Giga has supported the mapping of nearly 20,000 schools across the country, providing invaluable data that was previously unavailable. Similarly, Giga has supported Niger in defining the high-quality connectivity requirements that Internet Service Providers must fulfill to connect their schools. 

While the Government of Niger will be conducting the procurement process, Giga has played an instrumental role as a technical advisor, shaping the project’s objectives and approach.

This ambitious RFP aims to deliver internet connectivity services (indoor and outdoor Wi-Fi, user management platform, content management platform, power source, and a monitoring platform) to 1,000 schools and 300 health centers. 

These institutions are divided into four lots across eight regions, each with specified internet speed requirements.

The specifics of each lot are as follows:

  • Lot 1: 22 high schools and 268 secondary schools spread across all regions
  • Lot 2: 401 middle schools distributed across all regions
  • Lot 3: 309 primary schools distributed across all regions
  • Lot 4: 300 health centers distributed across all regions

The Government of Niger is looking at a maximum delivery timeframe of 12 months for each lot. For a detailed breakdown of locations, including their regions, departments, and municipalities, please refer to the official project website The RFP document can be accessed here:

Bidders are expected to submit technical and financial offers for each selected lot on or before 22 August 2023. The contract for each lot will be awarded based on technical compliance and the lowest evaluated financial offer.

For more information, reach out to Mr. Abba Fadai, Procurement Specialist, at, or Mr. Harouna Illo Kaché, Digital Technologies Specialist, at

This RFP represents a milestone in Giga’s support to Niger to connect all the schools in the country. We invite all eligible ISPs to participate and contribute to this groundbreaking journey towards digital inclusion and educational advancement in Niger.