In support of Giga, UNICEF Kazakhstan is seeking national or international institutions to assist with market assessments and feasibility studies for satellite-based connectivity projects in high- and middle-income countries, with a particular focus on Kazakhstan.
To achieve its goal of connecting all schools in Kazakhstan, Giga needs to conduct a thorough market assessment of satellite-based internet solutions for schools in the Central Asia region, with a specific focus on Kazakhstan. This assessment will provide the government with valuable information to make informed decisions about the most practical, technically advanced, and financially viable solution. The assessment includes a detailed review of available satellite-based internet providers and options, offering stakeholders comprehensive insights to select the best technical and financial choices from a range of scenarios and case studies, each with varying technical, economic, and financial assumptions.
The conclusions and recommendations contained in the market assessment should provide government policy-makers, businesses and investors with the knowledge readily available to make an informed decision about the viability of the satellite communication (SatCom) internet connectivity models, help create funding strategies, design policies, guidelines and decide on priorities for school connectivity improvement.
The outputs from the case studies should also demonstrate how satellite solutions enables economic and social development in the country (i.e. expand the reach and increase the use of satellite broadband ICTs to reap the developmental and economic benefits they facilitate) and assist key stakeholders in identifying and exploring various potential private and public sector partnership models.
Scope of Work
The market assessment will consist of two main components: (1) a desk review of available case studies from countries implementing advanced satellite-based connectivity solutions for schools; and a (2) comprehensive overview of the satellite communication market in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, considering its historical development, present situation, and forecasting future trends in technology, supply and demand.
The market assessment report with the case studies should include the following components: (1) Executive Summary, (2) Introduction, (3) Methodology, (4) Market Assessment, (5) Best Practices, Case Studies, and Implementation Guidelines, and (6) Conclusion, Opportunities, and Recommendations.