Avis Aux Medias: Lancement du Concours de Photographie Giga le 1er avril 2025
A Giga, nous comprenons que la photographie, associée à Internet, est un puissant outil pour nous connecter au monde. Organisé à Genève, le concours comprendra un événement de sélection sur deux jours en collaboration avec la HEAD Genève en mai 2025, suivi d’une exposition en plein air des images gagnantes en juin 2025 au Parc des Bastions. Ces récits et photographies illustreront l’impact transformateur de la connectivité Internet à travers le monde, avec des soumissions provenant de plus de 190 pays.

Media Advisory: Launch of the Giga Photo Contest on 1st April 2025
At Giga, we understand that photography, when coupled with the internet, is a powerful tool for connecting us with the world. Hosted in Geneva, the contest will feature a two-day judging event in collaboration with HEAD Genève in May 2025, followed by an outdoor exhibition of the winning images in June 2025 at Parc Des Bastions. These stories and photographs will illustrate the transformative impact of internet connectivity worldwide, with submissions from over 190 countries where UNICEF operates.

Giga s’associe à la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations Unies et à Smart Africa pour offrir un accès Internet abordable aux écoles africaines
Giga a signé des accords avec Smart Africa et la Commission Economique pour l’Afrique (CEA) des Nations Unies CEA afin de contribuer à réduire la fracture numérique dans l’éducation au profit des écoliers africains.

Giga teams up with United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and with Smart Africa to bring affordable internet to schools across Africa
Giga has signed agreements with both Smart Africa and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) to help close the digital divide in education for the benefit of school children across Africa.

Giga and Equinix Foundation join forces to help bridge the digital divide; connect every school in the world to the internet by 2030
Giga, a partnership between the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), is joining forces with the Equinix Foundation to help realize the Giga mission of connecting every school in the world to the internet by 2030.

The Giga Q&A with Paul Garnett
In this interview, Paul Garnett offers his thoughts from a long career dedicated to extending broadband access to unserved communities in the US and emerging markets around the world, currently as founder and CEO of Vernonburg Group and previously as creator of Microsoft’s Airband Initiative, which he led for 12 years.

High Hopes in Honduras: The Central American Country Plans to Connect Nearly Half of Its Schools in Two Years
In the farming community of Villanueva, Honduras, famous for its sugarcane, businesses are planting the seeds of a digital future by paying for the internet connection in a local school. Thanks to their support, students like Samantha, 10, are experiencing online learning for the first time.

High Five: Top 5 Connectivity Lessons Learned from Giga’s First 5 Years
In an increasingly digital world, access to the internet is becoming an essential tool for our personal, social and economic development. Yet, for many, this is still out of reach. Today, millions of children around the globe, lack connectivity, creating a barrier to their access to educational and other opportunities. This is a digital divide: a gap that reinforces social and economic inequalities, leaving too many children behind.

The Giga Connectivity Centre is Open!
Today is the first step in the activation of the Giga Connectivity Centre, a hub for global efforts geared towards connecting schools to the internet.

Giga to Host Hybrid AI Hackathons to Advance School Connectivity
Giga is hosting a series of hackathons starting in January 2025, to build on its open source solutions for bridging the digital divide. The hackathon series, implemented by NewNative, a community platform dedicated to advancing AI innovation, aims to accelerate Giga’s connectivity efforts by fostering collaborative problem-solving among AI scientists, technologists, entrepreneurs, policymakers, and civil society actors.

Barcelona Hosts Deep Dive on School Connectivity
The Giga Technology Centre in Barcelona recently hosted the second Government Technology Exchange Programme (GTEP), a four-day focus on the tools and services developed by Giga to facilitate school connectivity.

Global Digital Development: What The Stats Say
Global internet connectivity saw steady but uneven progress in 2024, according to the latest edition of “Measuring digital development: Facts and Figures 2024,” an annual compendium of the most important ICT indicators gathered by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN agency for digital technology.