
A race towards #Destination2030

Through its goal of connecting all schools to the internet by 2030, Giga seeks to help equip children and young people with the skills to flourish in today’s increasingly digital economy. In its estimates, the World Bank expects 60% of future jobs will require digital skills.

A unique partnership between two UN agencies, ITU and UNICEF, Giga’s impact extends beyond the classroom into the community itself.  Schools not only serve as community communication hubs but also as an economic catalyst, providing entry points for connecting local businesses.

Today, despite the many positive ripple effects of connectivity, some three million schools are still without access to the internet. As the 2030 deadline for the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) approaches with many lagging targets, inclusive access to quality education is more urgent than ever.  

Giga’s pivotal role as a stepping stone to helping connect all schools and hospitals to the Internet was recognized in the recently signed Global Digital Compact as part of a strategy to close all digital divides and accelerate progress across the SDGs.

Last July’s Giga Connectivity Forum (GCF) in Geneva is an example of our intensified efforts. This first-ever event, held over three days in Geneva, advanced our mission through hands-on workshops, knowledge sharing and networking. The event brought together 240 participants from 67 countries, including over 25 Giga-engaged countries. 

Expanded Focus 

Looking ahead, Giga will continue to focus on five main action areas: geolocation mapping of schools, infrastructure and cost modeling, financing options, contracting and capacity development.   

But this focus is also a starting point for more collaborations, addressing associated areas beyond connection to the internet, such as sustained investment, digital skills, affordable devices and child online safety, electrification, content, data costs and more, all of which make up the broader school connectivity puzzle.  

The Giga Connectivity Centre set to open in Geneva will be the enabler for this. This new facility will enable delegations from across the world and other visitors to experience solutions for, and strengthen their capacity in, the different facets of achieving connectivity and digital transformation of education. The centre will also serve as a platform for collaboration with experts and stakeholders engaged in universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation, both in Geneva and beyond.  

The Giga Technology Centre in Barcelona will continue  the development of connectivity products and services, refining those already in place and innovating new ones.  

“The Future We Want”  

Connecting schools needs a multifaceted approach addressing affordability, sustainability and collaboration, bringing all stakeholders to the table — from governments, financial institutions and other development partners to energy providers and ISPs.  

This approach will continue to evolve as government partners respond to an ever-evolving set of challenges.  

In recent remarks at the UN General Assembly, UN Secretary-General António Guterres defined the way ahead: “It is in all our interests to manage the epic transformations underway; to choose the future we want and to guide our world towards it.”  

On the occasion of our five-year anniversary, we have created this video to celebrate accomplishments to date and offer inspiration for the big push to our #Destination2030 goal.   

Join us in our race to deliver information, opportunity and choice to young people everywhere!