
Connecting the hardest-to-reach schools in Kazakhstan

By the end of 2020, there were 7,378 schools with internet connectivity in Kazakhstan, and only 60 schools without, including schools located in prisons. Through school and connectivity mapping, Giga has identified 105 public schools that require broadband connectivity or immediate improvement.   

 The objective of this Giga Accelerate pilot is to identify and test innovative solutions to connect schools in the most challenging environments, and to use those schools as hubs to extend connectivity to the surrounding community.  

 Lessons and insights from this pilot will be used to inform efforts aimed at connecting more schools in Kazakhstan and in other Central Asian countries.

More about Giga: 

Giga is a global UNICEF-ITU initiative which aims to connect every school to the internet, and connect young people to information, opportunity and choice.  

Giga aims to expand broadband connectivity through its focus on four main pillars of work:

  1. Map: identifying the locations and connectivity status of every school and determining connectivity gaps;
  2. Connect: supporting the expansion of safe, secure, reliable, fit-for-purpose infrastructure to support future digital development needs;
  3. Finance: building affordable and sustainable country-specific models for finance, and
  4. Empower: deploying open-source digital solutions and ensure young people and communities leverage connectivity to reach their full potential. 

Through Accelerate, Giga is connecting the first 1,000 schools in partner countries and exploring diverse technologies and business models to provide broadband connectivity solutions to schools and communities, in order to fast-track governments’ universal connectivity programs.