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ITU-UNICEF Giga initiative to hold its first Connectivity Forum in Geneva

Taking place from 8-10 July at the ITU headquarters in Geneva, the Giga Connectivity Forum will convene high-level representatives from government ministries and experts from 26 countries to share their experiences of connecting schools around the world.

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Giga Maps: Charting the Future of School Connectivity

Celebrating Giga Maps launch: our live open source map of global school connectivity and a roadmap for turning every red dot to green by 2030. More than a tool for viewing the world, it’s a foundation for changing it. Why not discover it for yourself?



Giga maps school and their connectivity levels to help target investment to where is most needed and to measure progress toward increasing Internet access. We have mapped the location of over 2.1 million schools on our open-source platform:


Giga works with governments and advises them on building affordable and sustainable country-specific models for finance and delivery, subsidizing market creation costs and incentivizing private sector investment.


In partnership with industry, and based on the mapping results, Giga advises on the best possible technical solutions to provide schools with connectivity, and countries with safe, secure, reliable, fit-to-purposes infrastructure to support future digital development needs.

Giga works with a range of initiatives in UNICEF, ITU and beyond to ensure that students and teachers can access the devices, skills and content they need to make full use of connectivity.

Giga Partnerships

country hosts
Government of Switzerland
Government of Spain
with thanks to